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Plum, Victoria, 5ft

Plum, Victoria, 5ft

Plum, Victoria is a classic and popular variety of European plum known for its large, oval-shaped fruits with juicy yellow flesh and sweet flavor. It is a versatile and reliable plum tree that is widely grown in the UK and other regions with similar growing conditions.

The best position for planting Victoria plum trees is in a sunny spot with well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. The soil should have a pH level of around 6.0 to 7.0. Plum trees should be planted during the dormant season, typically between late autumn and early spring.

Victoria plum trees typically take around 3-5 years from planting to fruiting, depending on the growing conditions. The fruits are ready to harvest in mid-August to early September, and the tree can produce a heavy crop of fruit.

The tree itself can grow up to 4-5 meters tall and spread out to a width of around 3-4 meters. To encourage healthy growth and fruiting, Victoria plum trees should be fed regularly with a balanced fertilizer, preferably every spring.

Victoria plum trees are partially self-fertile, but planting another variety of plum tree nearby can increase the likelihood of successful pollination and a larger harvest. Overall, Victoria is a delicious and versatile variety of plum that is well-suited to UK growing conditions and is a great choice for home gardeners and orchard growers alike.


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