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The Pollinating Club

Handy hints and tips, jobs to do in the garden & the best wildlife friendly plants for your garden.

Pollinating plants for July

Here are ten of the best pollinating plants in the UK for the month of July: Foxglove (Digitalis): Foxglove produces tall spikes of tubular flowers in shades of pink, purple,...

Jobs to do in June

June is a great time for gardening in the UK, as the weather is typically warm and sunny. Here are some tasks that can be done in the garden during...

Plants for pollinators in June

June is a great month for pollinators, as there are many plants in bloom that provide them with nectar and pollen. Here are some examples of plants that are particularly...

Jobs to do in May

There are several tasks that can be done in the garden during May, depending on your location and climate. Here are a few suggestions: Plant warm-season vegetables: May is typically...

Pollinating plants in May

Here are some examples of flowering plants that are good for pollinators in May in the UK Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea): Foxgloves produce tall spikes of tubular flowers in a range...

Jobs to do in April

Here are some gardening tasks you can do in April Planting: April is a good time to plant a variety of vegetables and flowers. Vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and...

Plants for pollinators April

Here are some examples of flowering plants that are good for pollinators in April in the UK and why: Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta): Bluebells produce clusters of blue flowers in the...

Jobs to do in January

Here are some gardening tasks you can do in January in the UK: Prune deciduous trees and shrubs: This is the perfect time to prune any deciduous trees and shrubs...

Pollinators for January

January can be a difficult month for pollinators as there are fewer flowering plants available, but there are still some great options for providing nectar and pollen. Here are a...

Jobs to do in Febuary

February is still considered winter in the UK, but there are still important tasks that can be done in the garden during this time. Here are some examples of jobs...

Plants for Pollinators in Febuary

February is still considered winter in the UK, but there are still some plants that can provide food and habitat for pollinators during this time. Here are some examples of...

Jobs to do in March

March marks the beginning of spring in the UK, and there are plenty of tasks to do in the garden during this time. Here are some examples of jobs for...

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