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Climbing-French-Bean-Cosse-Violette Multi Strip Pack

Climbing-French-Bean-Cosse-Violette Multi Strip Pack

Climbing French Bean Cosse Violette is a stunning variety of pole bean that produces long, purple pods that are both flavorful and decorative. This plant is perfect for gardeners who want to add a pop of color to their vegetable garden or balcony.

The best position for Climbing French Bean Cosse Violette is in a sunny location with well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. The plant can grow up to 6-8 feet in height and requires support for climbing. You can provide support by using a trellis, stake, or other vertical structure.

To encourage healthy growth and a bountiful harvest, it is important to feed Climbing French Bean Cosse Violette regularly. A balanced fertilizer should be applied before planting and then again every 4-6 weeks throughout the growing season. Alternatively, a slow-release fertilizer can be added to the soil before planting.

Climbing French Bean Cosse Violette produces pods that are ready to harvest when they are around 6-8 inches in length. The pods should be harvested frequently to encourage continued production. These beans are perfect for fresh eating, cooking, or pickling.

Overall, Climbing French Bean Cosse Violette is a beautiful and delicious addition to any vegetable garden or container. Its long, purple pods are both decorative and flavorful, making it a unique choice for gardeners who want to try something new. So why not try growing Climbing French Bean Cosse Violette in your garden or container today and enjoy its delicious and colorful pods?


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