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Viburnum Kilimanjaro Sunrise is a stunning deciduous shrub that adds beauty and elegance to any garden. It produces masses of large white flowers in early summer that turn pink as they mature, providing a beautiful display that lasts for several weeks. The blooms are then followed by red berries that attract birds to your garden.

The best position for Viburnum Kilimanjaro Sunrise is in a sunny or partially shaded spot with moist, well-drained soil. It can also tolerate slightly acidic or alkaline soil, making it a versatile choice for any garden. This shrub grows to a height of around 3 meters and a width of 1.5 meters, making it an ideal choice for a border, hedge or specimen plant.

Plant Viburnum Kilimanjaro Sunrise in autumn or spring, ensuring that it is well-watered during the first growing season. Once established, it is relatively low-maintenance and doesn’t require frequent feeding. However, a general-purpose fertilizer applied in early spring can help promote healthy growth and flowering.

Prune Viburnum Kilimanjaro Sunrise after flowering to encourage new growth and maintain its shape. It responds well to hard pruning, but you can also simply trim back any unwanted growth. Regular pruning will also help to keep the plant tidy and prevent it from becoming too leggy.

In summary, Viburnum Kilimanjaro Sunrise is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for shrub that will provide a stunning display of flowers and berries in your garden. It prefers a sunny or partially shaded position with well-drained soil and should be planted in autumn or spring. Pruning should be done after flowering to maintain its shape, and feeding is only necessary in early spring.


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