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Canna Scarlet Bronze 2ltr

Canna Scarlet Bronze 2ltr

Canna Scarlet Bronze is a striking flowering plant that is prized for its vibrant red blooms and dramatic foliage. It is a cultivar of the popular Canna family and is native to tropical regions of the Americas. Here is a description of Canna Scarlet Bronze that is suitable for a UK garden centre website:

Best position: Canna Scarlet Bronze is a sun-loving plant that prefers a warm and sheltered spot in the garden. It can tolerate some shade but will produce fewer flowers in these conditions. It is best planted in a moist, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Canna Scarlet Bronze is also a good choice for container gardening as it will thrive in a large pot on a sunny patio.

Flowering time: Canna Scarlet Bronze flowers from mid-summer until the first frosts of autumn. It produces large, bold flowers in shades of scarlet red, that are sure to add a splash of colour to your garden. These flowers are highly attractive to pollinators and will help to support the biodiversity of your outdoor space.

When to feed: Canna Scarlet Bronze is a hungry plant that will benefit from regular feeding throughout the growing season. Use a balanced, slow-release fertiliser in early spring and then supplement with a liquid fertiliser every two weeks during the summer months.

When to prune: Canna Scarlet Bronze does not require pruning as such, but you can remove spent flowers and dead foliage to keep the plant looking tidy. If you live in an area with cold winters, you may need to cut the plant back to ground level in the autumn and store the rhizomes in a frost-free location until the spring.


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